Grab Facebook and Pinterest stats online
API Documentation
API Information
There is a courtesy rate limit of 1,000 queries per day for each user. If you will reach that limit, you will have to wait until next day.Values are cached for 5 hours at a time. So, values may be up to 5 hours old for repeated queries.
API URL and Parameters
You can receive the data by requesting URL:
- url: The URL of the page, including http, and www., if applicable. At this time, we do not provide canonicalization services. URL Encode to minimize errors.
response: The type of response that you would like to receive. For example: XML, JSON, Array(serialized).
If you do not specify this parameter, you will receive a response as JSON.
API Example
Response as JSON
$url = "https://www.google.com";
$response = file_get_contents("https://socialanalytics.php8developer.com/api.php?url=".urlencode($url));
$json = json_decode($response, true);
echo $url. " has " .$json["facebook"]["share_count"]." shares and ".$json["pinterest"]. " pins";
Response as XML
$url = "https://www.google.com";
$response = file_get_contents("https://socialanalytics.php8developer.com/api.php?url=".urlencode($url)."&response=xml");
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
echo $url. " has ".$xml->facebook->share_count." shares, and ".$xml->pinterest." pins";